Ferry timetable for 2025 is published!

The ferry timetable for 2025 has been released, without any change to the 2024 schedule.
So we are happy to announce that you may now book your Seychelles ferries for 2025.

Click here for an overview of all current Cat Cocos and Cat Rose departures in the Seychelles, valid until end of December 2025: Schedule through December 2025.

Фестиваль Креол: Многие местные жители заполняют места на паромах!

С 01 октября по 03 ноября 2024 года многие паромы на Сейшельских островах будут полностью заполнены, потому что многие сейшельцы будут путешествовать между островами, чтобы принять участие в ежегодном празднике Festival Kreol.
Архипелаг оживает, наполняясь яркими красками, звуками и ароматами креольской культуры. Это больше, чем просто праздник — это время для сейшельцев и гостей острова собраться вместе и приобщиться к богатому культурному наследию, которое определяет Сейшельские острова.

Поэтому, пожалуйста, бронируйте билеты как можно раньше, чтобы избежать неудобств, связанных с полной занятостью паромов.

Summer season 2024: Many ferries fully booked!

As every year, from July through September, many Seychelles ferries will be completely booked out, in all classes. That’s a fact.
So please book your tickets as far in advance as possible, to avoid inconveniences due to fully booked ferries.

Timetable 2025 newsletter

Join our newsletter and get notified when the 2025 ferry schedules are released.
Click here.

Ferry timetable for the 2nd part of 2024 is out!

The ferry timetable for June through December 2024 have been released, without any change to the Jan-June schedule.
So we are happy to announce that you may now book your Seychelles ferries for the second half of the year.

Click here for an overview of all current Cat Cocos and Cat Rose departures in the Seychelles, valid until end of December 2024: Schedule through December 2024.

If you would like to book for 2025, feel free to join our schedule newsletter and we will let you know as soon as you can book for 2025.

Morning ferry and traffic

Especially if you have booked the morning ferry, please set off from your accommodation to the ferry jetty in good time.

The heavy rush hour traffic in the morning with traffic jams must be taken into consideration!

Yes, we know: it’s not fun to get up early when you’re on holiday, but please start on time and better enjoy your coffee at the harbour than miss your ferry. Thank you!

New port fee introduced

For departures from 1st September 2023, the Seychelles Ports Authority will apply an embarkation fee (port fee) for all adult passengers.
Children aged 0-12 years are exempted from the port fee.

This port fee will be charged at a rate of 2 EUR or 25 SCR (Seychelles Rupies), per trip.
Clients with a through ticket Mahe/La Digue or vice versa will still pay Euro 2 per adult.

From 01 September onwards, the port fee will automatically be applied to all Cat Cocos bookings.
For Cat Rose bookings (Praslin — La Digue), the port charge will be paid on site in Seychelles Rupies (25 SCR) or 2 Euro per adult. Payment in Euro coins will not be accepted.

We of SeyFerry are far from happy about this decision of the Seychelles Ports Authority and the Government of Seychelles and especially about the introduction of this new tax at such short notice. However, we have to comply with the decision as the Seychelles Parliament has passed the relevant legislation.

Scam-warning of ferryseychelles.com

A new website has surfaced and it is obviously a scam. The website ferryseychelles.com has no business relationship with the ferry companies in Seychelles!
Warnings have been posted on Facebook pages of the ferry companies. Printouts of the warning have also been posted on the doors of the ferry offices in the Seychelles.

We at SeyFerry have nothing to do with ferryseychelles.com, nor is it clear who is behind this ominous site. There is — unsurprisingly — no imprint.
Please avoid this website and only book with trustworthy websites like this one (seychelles-ferry.com) where you can immediately see who you are dealing with on the contact page.

Notification for 2024 schedule

Feel free to subscribe to our newsletter and get notified as soon as the 2024 schedule is released (expected sometime between late November and mid-December 2023).
Click here to subscribe.

Ferry schedules for 2023

Click here for an overview of all current Cat Cocos and Cat Rose departures in the Seychelles, valid until end of September 2023: Schedule through Sept 2023.
Click here for an overview of all Cat Cocos and Cat Rose departures in the Seychelles, valid from October until December 2023: Schedule Oct-Dec 2023.